Unhealthy Ways to Lose Weight

Unhealthy Weight Lose Tips Healthy weights lose is the weights lose to lose 1 to 2 pound weight per week. Losing more than 1 to  2 pounds per week is associated with unhealthy weight lose. And this unhealthy weight lose leads to various health problems such as Muscles loss, gallstone, metabolism problems, nutritional deficiencies etc. We should focus on the weight lose not on the losing specific pounds per week or month. It is medically proven that do not cut calories more than 12,00 per day.

When we take food, that food in our body store as a fat. These fat should be dissolve, that’s way we lose weight healthy way, otherwise it will be a unhealthy weight lose.

Supplements that make big promises is also a way of unhealthy weight lose, we should avoid that supplements which disturb our natural body functions.

In other case you are eating what you like but you are still losing your weight without any effort is also a case of unhealthy weight lose.

A noticeable drop in your body weight without any effort is also a unhealthy weight lose which leads to the serious diseases like cancer and diabetes issues.

Using drugs other than prescription weight lose drugs for the sake of weight lose is a mistake with a dangerous consequences.

Smoking has a countless health risk, some people use smoking as a diets tragedy which is very unhealthy.

In another case of unhealthy weight lose, if you lose weight 100 pounds or more than your skin will be effected badly and may not remain in the condition to shrink back its natural shape, this can cause the skin to hang in the area of upper face, neck, breast and buttocks area that really not suits.

8 Unhealthy Weight lose tips

  1. Skipping Meal
  2. Drinking only weight lose drinks
  3. Work out with empty stomach
  4. Over exercising
  5. Cut out certain food groups
  6. Taking weight lose supplements without medical description
  7. Eating everything Fat Free
  8. Eating too much protein


1.Skipping Meal

Unhealthy Weight Lose

Skipping meal is the main tip of unhealthy weight lose, if we use the tip of skipping meal we will lose our weight but it effect the serious health issues, metabolism problems and cause stomach issues.

2.Drinking only weight lose drinks

Drinking only weight lose drinks is also unhealthy weight lose tragedy, people skip solid food and use only drinks which is very unhealthy way. Solid food is also very important for our health, its also Very important for the body to perform different functions.

3.Work out with empty stomach

Physical work out is the best way to lose weight but people adopt extra work out which is bad and to do work out without eating anything is a unhealthy way. Work out without eating any thing for a long time disturb your physical and mental health.

4.Over Exercising

To do exercise is the way to lose weight but over exercising is a unhealthy way to lose weight. Do only limited exercise.

There is a well-known proverb that ” Excess of everything thing is bad” , so whatever the thing there must be a limit line.

We should do exercise must but only in a limited way, because of excess of everything is bad whatever it must be a exercise, work out, good sleep, eating protein, eating fat free diet etc.

5.Cut out the certain food group

Some people use this technique to lose weight which is very unhealthy; people remain stick on some foods and do not use other food products which cause nutritional deficiencies.

Every food contain some beneficial nutrients which is very important, so avoid sticking on limited food. Stick on some certain food is a unhealthy weight lose.

6. Taking excess weight lose supplements

Some people use excess weight lose supplements without medical approval for weight lose which is very unhealthy and it causes serious health issues just like kidney failure.

People just rely on weight lose supplements for a weight lose which is not healthy, we should lose weight with physical effort.

7.Eating Everything “Fat Free”

We should avoid fats during weight lose journey, but excess of everything is bad because some people rely on few foods and only use that foods which is totally fat free and its really unhealthy way to lose weight because some fats are necessary and good for our health.

After eating we should dissolve our fats to lose weight, its a healthy way.

8.Eating too much protein

Taking a limited amount of protein in every meal is the healthiest way to lose weight because it burns our fats but taking excess amount of protein in every meal may disturb the process of burning fats and it may prove fatal for weight lose.

Proteins in our meal in limited amount proves healthy for us.


What are the things you will feel after unhealthy weight lose?

  • You will feel low energy
  • You will feel pain in your muscles
  • You will feel not well
  • You may need medication
  • You will feel exhausted every time


What happened if you lose weight through unhealthy way?

If you lose too much weight through unhealthy weight tips your body deprived with essential nutrients which are very necessary for healthy functions and these deprived nutrients may leads to the serious health issues. It makes your body weak and fragile which leads to various diseases.


What happened to your body if you lose too much pounds within the short time?

If you lose 100 or more than 100 pounds within the short time, your body function will effect. It lose your stomach and skin and become very difficult to regain its shape and function. It lose your skin in different areas just like neck, face, chest and buttocks sides.


What is unhealthy or abnormal weight lose?

Losing more than 2 pounds per week or losing noticeable weight without any effort i.e. walking, exercise, avoiding unhealthy food is abnormal or unhealthy weight lose.


What is unhealthy weight lose strategy?

Starvation, extreme fasting, and low calorie diet, excess weight lose supplements are the unhealthy weight lose strategy.


Ways to prevent unhealthy weight lose?

  1. Work with qualified nutritionists
  2. Do not cut out nutrients
  3. Focus on maintaining the target weight
  4. Get a good quality sleep
  5. Avoiding extreme exercising
  6. Avoid illegal drugs
  7. Avoid that supplements that make grand promises
  8. Avoid starvation
  9. Avoid too much low calorie diet.
  10. Avoid sticking on liquid.
  11. Avoid smoking
  12. Avoid too much fasting.

If we adopt the these mentioned healthy tips we will lose our weight within the short interval of time and without any serious health issues.

And if we adopt above mentioned un healthy weight lose tips, than we will also lose weight definitely but it effects our health badly and this weight lose will not be permanent.


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